What's up with our logo?

adult man looking up a the vuwing logo

Before I discuss how the logo transformed into what it is today, I think I should explain the VuWing name itself. To go hand-in-hand with how our phone holder was originally conceived (How It All Started) the name needed to really speak to what the device is, since it is unique and not very commonly understood.

The first thought was what the device enables you to do... view (play) content from your smartphone. Multimedia content while traveling is generally via streaming services like those provided by airlines or downloaded to your device by content services like Netflix, Apple, etc. The tail design acts as a prop, support and tensioner. Due to its primary use case; airlines, it made sense to refer to this tail section as a "wing". Therefore, "View + Wing" was formed as the product and company namesake, but in order to make this stand out and help define a new brand and market, the name "VuWing" was decided on.

As we conceptualized what a product logo would look like, I browsed a lot of concepts, from "marks" to "characters" of all different colors, sizes, shapes and illustration. What I kept coming back to was something that would emphasize what the product does, but yet be simple to illustrate and understand. A few wire concepts were tossed around until the final shape began to take its current form. Easily described, the logo then itself illustrates a VuWing, holding a smartphone, with a commonly understood "play button" on the screen. I believe the mark and name completely represent what the product does.

vuwing logo the perfect travel phone holder

I hope you enjoy your travels and with VuWing's handsfree phone holder - specially designed to go with you everywhere your travel takes you.

VuWing Corp 

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